Sommaire [Masquer]

Transatlantic Trade 


Investment Partnership

Partenariat Transatlantique de Commerce et d'Investissement


Suite de vidéos réalisées entre 2013 et 2015 sur le TTIP - Transatlantic Trade and Investment partership - Partenariat Transatlantique de Commerce et d'Investissement

TTIP - Why we have to stop the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

9 juin 2015. TTIP is a threat to our democracy and to our sovereignty. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership will give big businesses the same rights as nation states and allow them to sue elected governments in secret courts if they implement policies that affect their profits. 

It’s a clash between democracy and a small, unelected elite of powerful business people at the top of society. 

What is TTIP?

Everything you need to know about the 'super sexy' trade acronym 

9 June 2015. TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: ever heard of it? Do you know what it means? If the answer is no, don’t worry. TTIP (not to be confused with TPP) is a series of trade negotiations being carried out between the EU and US.

The bilateral trade agreement deals with reducing regulatory barriers to big business trade: food safety law, environmental legislation, banking regulations and the sovereign powers of individual nations … Told you it was sexy

Why artists are saying no to TTIP

9 June 2015. A group of artists including actors Ruth Wilson, Andrew Scott and Juliet Stevenson and designer Vivienne Westwood are fronting a campaign ( to raise public awareness of the trade deal TTIP (pronounced tee-tip) which is being secretly negotiated between the EU and the US. They are questioning its democratic validity, as no UK MP has had access to the negotiating documents.

This week a European petition against TTIP has reached a record 2 million signatures, a few days ahead of a crucial vote on the deal by MEPs in the European parliament

TTIP/TAFTA et ses investisseurs tout-puissants expliqués en moins de 4 minutes

Avec l’ISDS (Règlement des Différends entre Investisseurs et États), le TTIP met en place un système injuste qui avantage les entreprises.

L’ISDS permet aux entreprises de traîner les gouvernements devant des tribunaux secrets privés. Les coûts associés en termes de dépenses publiques sont durs à prévoir. Cependant, une chose est sûre, la facture incombera au contribuable européen.

Upholding Standards in TTIP

18 décembre 2014 - In the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) the EU is firmly committed to upholding its high standards protecting health and safety, rights at work, privacy, financial security and the environment.

What is TTIP?

30 janv. 2014 - To raise awareness for the tremendous opportunities that the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP) represents, AmCham Sweden is producing a series of videos that clearly explain the benefits of the proposal in easy-to-understand terms.

TTIP Explained: Understanding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

21 janv. 2014 - « TTIP Explained » The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a far reaching US-EU trade deal. As the public debate begins on the merits of TTIP this video tries to give an overview. There are opportunities and risks that will emerge as TTIP goes ahead so it’s important for you to engage, assess, question and identify the right opportunities and challenges from the TTIP.

EU Trade Policy explained

13 nov. 2013 - EU trade policy sets the direction for trade and investment in and out of the EU. The EU aims to play a key role in keeping markets open worldwide and helping Europe to exit from the economic crisis.

EU trade policy is working to: create a global system for fair and open trade, open up markets with key partner countries, make sure others play by the rules and ensure trade is a force for sustainable development

What Are the EU-US Trade Talks (TTIP) About?

29 sept. 2013 - I’m a European public affairs professional who strongly believes the #TTIP can add a lot of value to both European and American citizens’ lives, though many people raise concerns about the dispute settlement issues or food/environmental safety concerns: these indeed need to be examined closely but the big picture benefits must be kept in proper perspective.

I’ve privately produced this video as an experiment, and no public or private institution or government agency has funded or endorsed it.